Baywatch’s” Gena Lee Nolin seemed to be the picture of California perfection while starring on the show, but little did we know she was fighting a daily body image battle.
Gena is now finally ready to admit she went through extreme measures to stay swimsuit slim. Gena Lee is speaking out, looking to help others so they don’t fall into the same body image trap she did.
“It’s insane pressure in Hollywood,” Gena Lee told Access Hollywood. “I mean it’s so unhealthy. I lived it, I know. I have had the salad a day for a month so I could look almost just — sick, I was so thin.
“And I would even still think ‘Gosh, I think I had too much lettuce in that salad,‘ you know? I was worried about how thin I had to be,” she added.
In a looks-obsessed world, especially as a “Baywatch Babe,” Gena Lee Nolin really struggled to maintain an unhealthy weight.
“I’m 5’9 and I think then I weighed about 120 pounds which is – tiny,” Gena Lee admitted.
After having her first son, Spencer, 10 years ago, Nolin was back in that famous red swimsuit six weeks later.
“I had a private trainer, it was the whole Hollywood world I was living in,” Gena Lee said.
But now, living in Scottsdale, Arizona with husband Cale, after having second son Hudson, Gena Lee (at about 160 pounds) refuses to cave to the old Hollywood pressure.
“It is kind of sick world to sort of live in. And now my life, its, it is so different,” she said. “The whole family, my husband Cale, Spencer who is 10 and Hudson who is 18 months — thank you!” (source: Access Hollywood)
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