Monday, June 16, 2008

Pam Anderson Reveals How She Got the Part in Baywatch

Pam Anderson in Famous Red Baywatch SwimsuitWhy does this not surprise me? According to an article at; ex-Baywatch girl Pamela Anderson has revealed that she still has her famous red Baywatch swimsuit and often wears it to entertain her boyfriends. According to Pam, “I have one left. I wear it. I use it for my boyfriend and stuff. [I wear it] In the shower and then I run in slow motion and then give my friends mouth to mouth resuscitation.”

She also told how she got the part on Baywatch, which made her famous. She said, “I didn’t wear a bra to theaudition. It’s actually true. You had to have a swim test and Ifloated. You had to run in slow motion and swim in slow motion and then smile. I know how to work a defibrillator!"”Reckless Red One piece swimsuit

And all this time I thought she got her rising star as "Tim the Toolman
Taylor's Tool Girl!" : )

If you are looking for a red swimsuit -- we have one at Get Go